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post Mar 18 2009, 22:10
Post #346


Group: Chuunin
Posts: 49
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Robespjērs - Spēcīgs likumsakarību analizētājs, izvērtē un analizē visu apkārt notiekošo, tādēļ vairāk teorētiķis, bet ne praktiķis. Darbaholiķis, ar augstām darba spējām, vienai izpētes idejai beidzoties, ķeras pie nākošās, visu plāno laicīgi. Ar izteiktu taisnības izjūtu. Necieš rupjības un nelietību, nepanes ietekmēšanu, apzinīgs. Nejūt savu ķermeni, neprot par to rūpēties, prot sadzīvē samierināties ar pašu minimālāko. Jūtu izrādīšanā analfabēts, jo tā ir sfēra, kurā viņš ir nedrošs, tādēļ ar cilvēkiem kontaktējas piesardzīgi. Konfliktsituācijās, kur nav jāaizstāv sava ideja, var pazust nemanāmi.

Nu tā jau ir....

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
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post May 3 2009, 00:37
Post #347


Group: Chuunin
Posts: 1522
Joined: 27-October 07

Man darīt reizēm nav ko. Un varētu pat padomāt, ka kādu tas interesē. XD
Šitie ir veci testu rezultāti, man patīk tos krāt, nez, kā būtu tagad. Fuschi katru dienu savādāks kā nekā

***Your Inner Gender is Male***

You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.
You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.
You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.
No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside.

***You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish***

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. (So true)However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

***You Are 42% Feminine, 58% Masculine***

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders biggrin.gif.

***You Communicate Like a Man***

When you communicate, you like to get to the point.
You're not afraid to say what's on your mind - and leave it at that.
Talking about your emotions drains you. You rather keep them to yourself.
You prefer solving problems to wallowing in your sorrows

Nu šausmas- kas es par meiteni XD

***You Are 64% Tortured Genius***

You are smart. Brilliant in fact. And while it's a blessing, it's also a curse.
Your head is filled with everything - grand ideas, insufferable worries, and a good deal of angst.

Jā, kā tad.

***You're an Passionate Kisser***

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

Nekādā gadījumā. Nekādā, ka es tev saku!!! ph34r.gif

***Your Mind is PG-13 Rated***

Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy.
You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude.

I go for hard XD

***You May Be a Bit Antisocial...***

Antisocial? That may be a bit of an understatement.
You think rules are meant to be broken - and with gusto!
Having no fear, you don't even think about consequences.
But people love you anyway... you've got a boatload of charm.

Man tikai liekas, vai visi testu rezultāti lien p*k**ā?

***You Are 39% Selfish***

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.
But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

***You Are 66% Pure***

You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that.
You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you.

***You Are 36% Emo***

You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little NOT. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy.

Nu nē, es pat netaisos saprast pašnāvniekus.

***You Are More Cutthroat Than You Think***

Yes, you do have that killer instinct lurking in you.
And while you may not be actually cutting throats anytime soon...
You certainly don't mind clawing your way to the top.

Uhh.. es dažiem gan pārgrieztu rīkli ne vienreiz vien. Bet to neviens nezin, ok?

***Your Personality Is Like Cocaine***

You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid!

At your best: You're confident, euphoric, and feel like you're on top of the world.

What people like about being around you: You're intense and overpowering.

What people dislike about being around you: You can be arrogant... and a bit of a jerk.

How addicted people get to you: Incredibly addictive. And hanging around with you isn't cheap!

Uhh.. te nu atklājas mana patiesā, sātaniskā būtība. Protams, viss ir jauki izpušķots.

***You Are a Dreaming Soul***

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. (šim gan es piekrītu, mans dēls)
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

***You Are 80% Psychic***

You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!

Tulīt, pag. Varbūt piedalīties hokeja totalizatorā?


Вы – олицетворение Луны. Когда смуглая богиня ночи Никта сменяла уходящую на покой бледнолицую сестру Гемеру, на радость природе из-под горизонта выходила величественная колесница, которую влекли неторопливые быки. Ими управляла прекрасная девушка в длинном одеянии цвета шафрана с лунным серпом на белом лбу. Узнали себя? Вы ведь любите такие загадочно-прекрасные образы, не так ли? Часто мечты заменяют вам реальность, а на душу накатывает та светлая грусть, из-за которой так и тянет писать стихи. Впрочем, это не значит, что стихи пишете вы – вполне возможно, их пишут про вас, но скорее всего вы не очень цените старания земных мужчин. У вас ведь есть образ идеального мужчины и вы все лучшие и чистые душевные порывы и чувства отдаёте ему. Возможно, вы даже чётко знаете, кто он, но вряд ли вы вместе. Но вернёмся к вашей роле Селены. В Элиде жил юноша Эндимион. Сам Зевс взял его за красоту на Олимп. Эндимион был так прекрасен, что и Гера не осталась к нему равнодушной. Заметив это, Зевс обрек Эндимиона на вечный сон в Латмийской пещере в Карии. Однажды, случайно бросив лучи под своды пещеры, вы увидели прекрасного юношу и были поражены. Отныне ваше сердце было отдано Эндимиону, но сволочной Зевс так и не снял чары сна. Так что вы вынуждены любить почти безответно – каждую минуту, когда Луна скрывается за тучами, вы спускаетесь в пещеру к возлюбленному и шепчете ему самые нежные слова, какие только может навеять любовь, но даже слыша их Эндимион, зачарованный Зевсом, не в силах приподнять век и ответить. Поэтому, тоскуя, вы напускаете такую же лиричную тоску на всё живое – от псов и до поэтов.

You're Artemis

Goddess of the Hunt. She had 50 hounds and 50 Dreiads (wood nymphs) and a quiver full of painless silver arrows. She was the daughter of Zeus and Leto as well as being last of the Three Maiden Goddesses. She was also a part of the Triple Goddess. The Triple Goddess was the Moon in three forms. Artemis didn't carry the moon across the sky, yet she was still known as the moon. Although she was stunningly beautiful, she was very cold and she swore never to marry. She had only one love, a hunter named Orion (and even that's debatable). She was the Protector of Young Women. She was incredibly cool (coming from a young woman).

Es mīlu mēnesi. Tas laikam ir vienīgais, ko es mīlu XD iks dē

Жиголо-метр. Сколько вы стоите в постели?
1) Час в постели со мной обойдется на 174% дороже среднего показателя по рынку.
2) Если бы у меня была такая зарплата на работе, то проработав всего 7.3 часов, я бы могла целый месяц отдыхать.

Es tagad to pašu izpildīju. Sanāca lētāk. Tagad akcija. Laikam tāpēc, ka uzrakstīju, ka es labprāt palasītu piektdienas vakarā, nevis ietu uz tusu, un vēl šo to...

You scored as a Perfect Image

You are the perfect person or at least thats what people like to think. You hate it and when anyone says your perfect you tend to fly off the handle, you just want to prove to people your the same as them.

You scored as a Dragon

You love to be free, flying above the clouds without a care in the world. But be careful, some people see you as hostile and evil.

Great Leader

You can be very compassionate and emotional at times, and feelings may get in your way. You have perfectionist, analytical, or critical attitudes, but due to these attitudes you may have a smaller group of friends that others. You have a great appreciation for art; it may be poetry or music or painting or something else that you have take great enjoyment in. If you get trapped in your emotions you will very likely end up depressed or ill, but if you can overcome these mental issues you might become a great leader. Examples of leaders with a similar style to you are leaders with emotional or romantic tendancies, such as Winston Churchill or Julius Ceasar.

You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing

You Are a Werewolf

You are moody and easily provoked.
You are highly loyal and protective of those you love.

While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person.
But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary.

You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be.
It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature.

Your Cute Monster Says Your Inner Demon is Frailty

You are a simply happy person. You still view the world with a childlike innocence.
You have an easy going attitude, and you value harmony. You love freely and inspire others to love.

You are easily beaten down by life.
People think you're cute because you are optimistic. Your outlook on life is charming.

Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali

You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers.
There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you!

You Are The Devil

You don't represent evil, but you do represent the animalistic side of humans.
You demonstrate what happens when we listen to our first instincts.
At times you tend to be materialistic and hedonistic, giving in to temptation.
Admit it, you're guilty of acting first - and forgetting to think later!

You Are a Pegasus

You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty.
You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste.
While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills.
People admire you and feel very comfortable around you.

You Are 52% Paranoid Schizophrenic

It's likely that you're perfectly fine, though you have your crazy moments.
You tend to be a bit paranoid, but no one's out to get you but yourself.

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Pēdējā bilde vienkārši iespārda. Nu tā jau laikam ir. Un lai vai kas būtu Zero... nez vai es tāds esmu.

Uhh.. noteikti jums bija dikti jautri šito lasīt.

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post Feb 18 2010, 07:33
Post #348


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(Classic) What is your anime weapon?

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(Classic) What Anime Villain Are You?
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